Two-Pan Chicken with Red Potatoes and Feta

Two-Pan Chicken with Red Potatoes and Feta is a great ‘bung-it-in-the-oven’ recipe. Apart from some prep work chopping the vegetables and chicken breast (separate boards, of course), there’s very little effort involved as the dish spends most of the time in the oven.

Roasting tin chicken with red potatoes and feta

My recipe uses only two pans – a large frying pan and a deep roasting tin or casserole dish. The chicken is browned in the frying pan while the potatoes and onions are undergoing their first bake in the roasting tin.

Collage two-pan chicken, red potatoes, red onions

Red potatoes are another timesaver. They don’t need to be peeled as their skin is thin. In fact, they’re best left skin-on in order to retain all their nutrients and flavour. They just need a good wash and dry, making sure any eyelets (little sprouts) are removed.

The bake is finished off with the creamy, subtle tang of feta cheese, which only needs a few minutes under the grill / broiler to melt and brown nicely.

Collage two-Pan chicken with potatoes and feta

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